Friday, December 26, 2014

Holliday Sweet Potatos/Candied Yams
We call them sweet potatos but that is a misnomer.
Indentification-Sweet potatos are light in color and are shaped and look more like potatos, yams are dark orange and are long, not as much like a potato.  I believe they are interchangable but I do not remember trying it in one or both of these recipes. Share the results if you do.

Yams, 2 large (about 2 lbs, 1 1/2 lbs fill an 8 inch square nicely)
Peel, slice 1/4 inch thick, boil in salted water 8 minutes.
Drain, layer in 8 inch pan or 9x13 (if you want to cut the syrup in half, put yams in a single layer in a 9x13 with just a little syrup on top to keep them moist, instead of syrup almost level with yams).
In sauce pan melt just until boiling:
Butter, 1/2 cup (1 stick)
Brown sugar, 1 cup
Pour over yams. Bake 400 for 15 to 20 minutes (just until syrup is bubbly). Cover with miniture marshmallows, bake until brown about 5 minutes, or turn to broil for 1-2 minutes.

Whipped Yams
2 yams
2 carrots
1 cup chicken broth, or bullion
2 Tbsp. plain greek yogurt, or sour cream
1 tsp. butter
1/8 tsp. mace
salt and pepper
Slice carrots and boil in broth, covered, until soft, save 1/4 cup broth for mashing(I sometimes have to add liquid)
Peel, dice and boil yams, about 5 minutes.
Drain both, put in large bowl and mash with potato masher.  Add rest of ingredients and mash again.
Makes a lot.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Grandma Clarke's Gingerbread Cookies

3/4 c. shortening
1/2 c. molasses
1/2 c. milk
1 egg
1 c. sugar
4 1/2 c. flour
1/2 t. soda
2 t. bakeing powder
1 t. salt
1 t. ginger
1 t. cinnamon
1/2 t. cloves
Heat shortening and molasses, in sauce pan until shortening is melted. Add milk  then slightly beaten egg and sugar.
In mixing bowl whisk remaining dry ingredients together.  Add molasses mixture and stir. Dough will be quite stiff.
Cover bowl with dish towel and let stand at room temperature for 1 hour (to absorb moisture and for flavors to ripen).
Roll about 1/4 inch thick, cut and bake 375 for 10 minutes.
Makes about 30 cookies.

7 cups flour
3 cups warm water                                                                                          
1 egg
2 T. oil                                                                                                      
2 T. vinegar
2t. salt

8# apples, one layer on dough  (Gala are good, Granny Smith not as good)
4 cups crushed corn flakes, measured after crushing
2 cups sugar, divided
 4 cups melted butter, divided
2t. cinnamon

-Mix dough ingredients (first 6) and let rest in a bowl covered with a plate, on top of stove preheating to 375, while preparing apples, about ½ hour.
-Peel and slice apples, rinse. Before adding to strudl pat dry on towel.
-Cover table with sheet, our’s is 4 feet round. Rub flour into sheet(make a colored sheet white)
-Roll dough very thin, trying to not tear it. Patch any holes.(try for thin enough to read through)
-Spread with melted butter, about ½ cup, then sugar, apples, cin., crumbs, sugar(again).                                                
-Rolling takes 2-3 people.  Slightly lift one narrow end of the sheet and, using a knife or spatula, loosen and roll dough (like for cinnamon rolls).  Flour while scraping.  (If dough gets holes it’s ok but try not to) After rolling pinch seam closed.
-Butter large cookie sheet, 13x17. Have one person gently lift a part of the strudl while another slides the pan under, turn the pan and circling the strudl, ending in the middle of the pan.
-Rub with melted butter. Bake 375 about 50-60 minutes basting with butter several times. If quite thick, and starts to get too brown before inside is done, cover with foil.
-Strudl is done when apples are soft (stick with tooth pick or knife).
-Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve (but it is better the next day).

-Will keep several days unrefrigerated, just cover with a clean dish towel (not plastic wrap).