Friday, December 26, 2014

Holliday Sweet Potatos/Candied Yams
We call them sweet potatos but that is a misnomer.
Indentification-Sweet potatos are light in color and are shaped and look more like potatos, yams are dark orange and are long, not as much like a potato.  I believe they are interchangable but I do not remember trying it in one or both of these recipes. Share the results if you do.

Yams, 2 large (about 2 lbs, 1 1/2 lbs fill an 8 inch square nicely)
Peel, slice 1/4 inch thick, boil in salted water 8 minutes.
Drain, layer in 8 inch pan or 9x13 (if you want to cut the syrup in half, put yams in a single layer in a 9x13 with just a little syrup on top to keep them moist, instead of syrup almost level with yams).
In sauce pan melt just until boiling:
Butter, 1/2 cup (1 stick)
Brown sugar, 1 cup
Pour over yams. Bake 400 for 15 to 20 minutes (just until syrup is bubbly). Cover with miniture marshmallows, bake until brown about 5 minutes, or turn to broil for 1-2 minutes.

Whipped Yams
2 yams
2 carrots
1 cup chicken broth, or bullion
2 Tbsp. plain greek yogurt, or sour cream
1 tsp. butter
1/8 tsp. mace
salt and pepper
Slice carrots and boil in broth, covered, until soft, save 1/4 cup broth for mashing(I sometimes have to add liquid)
Peel, dice and boil yams, about 5 minutes.
Drain both, put in large bowl and mash with potato masher.  Add rest of ingredients and mash again.
Makes a lot.

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